Washroom Hygiene

Everyone has the right to access a healthy environment, including an hygienic washroom space. Having good workplace washroom hygiene says a lot about your business and how you look after your people.

Clean and hygienic washrooms in the workplace is essential for both employee well-being and overall business success.

We offer total washroom hygiene solutions to reduce the spread of germs and keep your people healthy, including toilet and urinal ecohygiene, hand ecohygiene, feminine ecohygiene and air ecohygiene.

Washroom hygiene is key to keeping the healthy and feeling comfortable in the workplace


Good washroom hygiene helps reduce the spread of germs, bacteria, and viruses, minimising the risk of illnesses like colds, flu, and stomach bugs. This leads to fewer sick days and a healthier workforce.

employee comfort

Studies show employees are more likely to feel valued and comfortable in a clean, well-maintained washroom. Having good  washroom hygiene in place contributes to higher morale and job satisfaction.

Washroom hygiene encourages good personal hygiene

Well-maintained washroom hygiene, stocked with professional hygiene products like soap dispensers, toilet sanitisers, and paper towels, encourage employees to practice better personal hygiene, such as regular handwashing, which helps reduce the spread of germs.

Minimises disruptions

Good and maintained washroom hygiene ensures fewer maintenance issues, leading to smoother day-to-day operations and fewer interruptions.

Washroom Hygiene Solutions

Auto Soap Dispenser

Autosoap – Automatic soap dispenser

Manual Soap Dispenser

Manual soap dispenser and Manual hand sanitiser

Auto Towel Dispenser

Auto towel dispenser

Washroom Ecohygiene

We offer total washroom hygiene solutions to reduce the spread of germs and keep your people healthy, including toilet and urinal ecohygiene, hand ecohygiene, feminine ecohygiene and air ecohygiene.


Learn more about our services


We offer a range of washroom hygiene services for your workplace bathrooms designed to suit you and your team’s needs. When it comes to bathrooms, we’ve got you covered with solutions for:


Feminine hygiene Sanitary Bins

Hand Hygiene

Hand hygiene, including soap dispensers, gel sanitisers and luxury foam soaps

Air Hygiene

Air hygiene dispensers and fragrances

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18 Garden Blvd, Dingley Village,
Victoria, 3172

T: 1800 849 122

E: enquiries@eco-hygiene.com.au

Copyright © ecohygiene 2024